cut a fish in a dish,
if you love me
give me a KISS
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Kiss SMS
- Your kisses leave
- every woman ought to know
- A Boy and Girl of Nursery class Kissing
- no artificial ingredients
- Please don’t mind
- Kissing is best practice for lips
- my dreams in night are eager to welcome you
- aaj un ko mere milnay se haya aati hai
- so kiss on
- Give me an endless row of kisses to
- if u delete,u Owe me a kiss
- the morning due may kiss the grass
- Whats kissing ?
- was a crime
- Kiss is not like Nokia
- a kiss is not a kiss unless its with tongues
- I am strawberry & you are the cream
- kisses spread germs and germs are hated
- A sweet and loving person
- Romantic Kiss is on Neck
- marriage is a box of children
- The girl of our neighbors
- Ja Donkey ja Jisne mujhe aj miss nhi kia
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