15 October 2009

Life is tough but its alot tougher when u are not paying attention

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1st year studnts @ vaterinary skool, atendin their 1st anatomy class.All gatherd around d surgery table vd a real dead dog.
Professor startd class by teling 2 imp. qualities as a vet. doctor. 1st is dat,nvr b disgusted by anythin abt animal's body e.g. he inserted his finger in dog's mouth n on drawing tasted it in his mouth.Thn he said them 2 do d same
d Studnts hesitated 4 several minutes. Bt eventualy evry1 insertd their fngrs in dog's mouth n thn tasted it
Whn evry1 finishd, Professor looked @ them n said: The 2nd importnt quality is observation.
I inserted my middle but tasted da index finger. Now learn to pay attention... =P
MORAL:Life is tough but its alot tougher when u are not paying attention. =D

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