18 January 2010

No one will know how i live

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Itx ma lyf.
BY Måñì..
Alone to cry,
Alone to laugh,
Alone to smile,
Alone to frown.

Alone to live,
Alone to die,
Alone to wander,
Alone to discover.

Alone in pain,
Alone in hurt,
Alone in joy.

Alone in the morning,
Alone in the night,
Alone in the afternoon,
Alone in this life,
Alone in this world.

Alone in boredom,
Alone in knowledge,
Alone in this state.

Alone with People,
Alone at school,
Alone right now,
Alone when i was born,
Alone when i will die.

Alone walking through life,
without any pride,
How can you be satisfied,
Living your life like you do,
when you know there is some one out there,
who could realy use a friend like you.

No one will know how i live,
No one will know who i am,
No one will ever get to know me,
Because i am destined to spend ma life alone.

Wanting to hv someone,
To live ma life with,
But fr nw,
I wil continue alone,
And al alone..

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